Tourism in Livingstone

Although we spent 4 days at Russell's workshop, our time in Livingstone did not feel wasted at all. Despite all the problems, we also had fun with Russell and his team and we did what everyone does in Livingstone, the Victoria Falls!

The Victoria Falls are the main attraction of Livingstone. The falls can be seen from both Zambia and Zimbabwe, and it depends who you ask which side is better. Since for the Zimbabwean side we would have to pay for 2 visas plus a higher entrance fee to the park, we decided to view the Falls from the Zambian side. 

Just when we wanted to leave for the falls after breakfast, it started to rain. It had been raining quite a big the whole time we were in Livingstone, making us feel even more miserable about everything. However, after another coffee waiting for the rain to stop, we decided that we would get wet at the falls anyway. 

At the Falls, however, it doesn't matter if it rains or not. The water falls down with such power, that it splashes up with immense power as well, leaving a constant drizzle around the park. Within minutes we were soaking wet. Fortunately, we were prepared and wearing our rain coats. Nothing could stop us from enjoying this time, and nothing did. The falls were wonderful.

The falls were immense and amazing. They were not even that full yet, as the water from the rainy season still had to reach the falls, but it was spectacular nonetheless. The park consists of several trails, leading to many different viewpoints, from above and below. We were pratically the only ones on the trails (since it is low season) and we had all the time in the world to view the falls and take photos. The Victoria Falls had been the focus point of the trip after leaving Rwanda and now we were finally there. After spending so much time being stressed and worried about the car, it was a very emotional moment to stand here and finally see them, so beautifully. It is truly one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the world and it is very difficult to describe how impressive and overwhelming it feels to see the power of that water pouring down from 100 meters and across 1,7 kilometers.

After getting soaked at the Falls, we took a quick shower at our hostel and went to the Livingstone museum around the corner. A few nights before, we had been watching a movie and a documentary about the life of David Livingstone and the person who came looking for him, Morgan Stanley (from the famous phrase: Doctor Livingstone, I presume?). Most people probably have heard Livingstone's name in history class somewhere, so have we, but we couldn't really remember his story. Turns out he was quite the adventurous overlander himself, venturing into Southern Africa on foot to find the source of the Nile, facing a lot of unknown diseases and others dangers. Unfortunately, he never found the source of the Nile, but he did find the Victoria Falls as the first European person as well as the source of the river Congo. He died of different diseases and exhaustion, after traveling through Africa for many years. The Livingstone museum was nice, showing us several stages of life in Zambia, different cultural heritages, and a special part about David Livingstone. Maybe one of the most special things was being able to read some of the original letters David Livingstone wrote and sent to his family and colleagues about 150 years ago. 

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