Zebra Safari Lodge - Kidepo - Uganda

Published on 6 December 2023 at 10:00

Zebra Safari Lodge, owned by Kenturegye Lodges (Kenturegye means zebra in the local language), was the first lodge we have photographed and videographed on our roadtrip. Therefore, the lodge will always have a special place in our heart. Tim, the owner, took a chance by hosting us for the arrangement we made and we are happy to have left him satisfied. We were able to meet him after our visit and the 'WOW' when he saw the videos proved to us he believes he made a good choice. 

The lodge is a lovely place. The first thing that strikes when one arrives, is the majestic lounge and restaurant space with a beautiful entrance and a spectacular view of the Kidepo Valley. The lodge has 5 cottages that can be set in single, double, twin or triple accommodation. The lodge is located just 5 minutes from the Kidepo Valley NP, so it is a perfect base to visit the park. Spotting game starts even before check-in, with a coffee or tea in the lounge, side-by-side with your binoculars. You will feel at home immediately, as you will be greeted with a lovely hot towel and a welcome drink by one of the great staff members. 

With our footage, we want to highlight those aspects that make the lodge special. In this case, that is definitely the spectacular view from the lounge and the restaurant. Not unfortunate that this was our 'office' for several days. In most of our shots, we try to show the different views a visitor can have, be it from the lounge, the restaurant or even the comfort of their own bed. To that we love to add close ups of details and some creative shots. What would you think about enjoying breakfast or a glass of wine, overlooking the Kidepo Valley and thinking about all the amazing wildlife out there!

While you're there, why don't you take a look at the national park and the amazing wildlife there, including zebras (one of the only two places where they can be seen in Uganda). Another thing Kidepo Valley NP is famous for, its huge herds of buffalo, some even amounting in the thousands.  

A visit to Kidepo area would not be complete without a cultural visit. The Karamojong people have lived in this area for centuries and many continue the traditional way of life. They are happy to show any visitor how they store and prepare food, inform you about their cultural habits and perform their traditional dances. We can tell from experience that the Karamojong cultural visit is much better than the Kenyan counterpart of the Masai, as the Karamojong are friendlier, more genuine and much less aggressive. 

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